Its been almost one week, and then it happened again. I couldn't breathe, my stats dropped, and mom revived me. She said I turned blue. I heard her talking to me, but it was hard to breathe, even with the oxygen tube. I tried my hardest to breathe, and with the help of mom and dad... I felt a little better breathing and then it wasn't soo hard. I turned pink again. Pink is good. Good for me.
My parents had to make the call to 911 and now I am in the hospital again. I am trying my best to be good for them, and sometimes its soo hard to breathe (with oxygen). They just Love me soo much. I Love them soo much.
I hope to go home tomorrow to be with them, and hope to go to the real "seashore" house with my family this week, because I heard the air is easier to breathe at the shore. Hope is what I have.