Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gi Love's Birthday Weekend!

It was my first Birthday. I turned one on January 10, 2009. One of the first gifts I received was a blood transfusion in the hospital. I have been in CHOP's PICU for a week now and am on a ventilator. I came here because I caught a cold, and I can't fight a cold much like you, but I sure try. My parents and my homecare nurse sent me to the Emergency Department because I couldn't keep up the fight on my own, we had to call upon the experts to get me back on track. They intubated me, and I was able to breathe again. I have been here since, trying to get rid of the "rhinovirus" and want to get stronger so I can breathe with just the O2. My levels are not strong enough to come off the ventilator. So I spent my birthday at CHOP.

My family came and stayed with me all day and into the night. We played games, we sang songs, we colored, we laughed, and we gave lots of kisses.
My big brother was drawing all sorts of neat pictures on the window, and he was taking lots of pictures too.
I love when my brothers crawl into the crib and try to snuggle with me, they tell me I am the best girl ever! And then they kiss my face, lots!
My Daddy comes over and talks to me, and everytime I hear his voice say my name, I smile. My eyes light up and then I feel him holding my hand. I AM Daddy's girl, and so proud of it.
My Mom will walk into the room, and I know she is there to take care of me. She will put a pretty dress on me, curl my hair, bring my favorite toy, sing me my name, and kiss me. I miss when she holds me in her arms. I can't be held because of all the equipment, but I try to turn my head toward her when she is near.

My Grandmoms were there too! Grandmom Kay bought me a beautiful purple party hat for my first birthday! Purple is my Grandma Kay's favourite color. Grandmom Anne sings me a guardian angel song all the time, thats how I know its her. My Aunt came too... I love to hear my Mom and Aunt talk over me, I get the latest scoop and I see what its like to have a sister around.

The nurses, social workers, and staff at CHOP decorated my room with all sorts of decorations that said my name, and the #1 on it. They all came in to wish me Happy Birthday! They even gave me a blanket and pooh mobile as presents.

Everyone sang to me, and the "cha cha cha" was the best part of the song...
My Birthday gifts were good for me, I got my pink back.

My Mom's friends and co workers at Chester County Hospital's Maternity Unit held a big bowling party in honor of me and my birthday! I heard it was soo much fun, and all my friends showed up! Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you! for being so kind to my family, and to me. I am so happy it was because of me, you all got together and had a great time bowling, playing games, and catching up. You are so supportive of me and our good cause.
Thats a big deal to leave the Eagles game to come to my party, and I really appreciate it! I heard the Giants fans left the Eagles game early too ;).
The Chester County Hospital Maternity Unit

The St Pat's Boys

The amazing raffle prizes! Wow! How beautiful!

Thank you for making my First Birthday so special.

With Gracious Love & Gratitude for family and friends,